Keith Pengelley
Silver Accredited Guide
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Specialist Services
Bespoke walking tours upon request.
A variety of walking tours taking in the many layers of our beautiful Island’s history.
I am locally born with a deep interest in Guernsey’s rich and various history.
My tours are generally based around a historical topic but are also coloured with further details of the landscape that the tours progress through.
Thus included in a tour with World War 2 as an overall subject, there would be many other details regarding the landscape and architecture.
I am a great believer in attempting to “read” the landscape and understand the underlying social aspects that may have shaped the surroundings.
Enemy at the Door – St Martin’s at War – Part 1
A tour that takes in the lesser known aspects of the German defensive positions in eastern St Martin’s.
During the first two years of German Occupation the German defence positions were somewhat different to the fortifications those resulting from the Atlantic Wall era.
We shall wander through some wonderful countryside as I point out these features.
The tour also takes in and discusses the natural beauty and superb buildings of this largely rural parish. My family lived in St Martin’s during the occupation and I have stories and anecdotes to share.
This a standalone tour that does not require attendance on Part 2.
Enemy at the Door – St Martins at War – Part 2
A tour that takes in the lesser known aspects of the German defensive positions in western St Martins.
During the first two years of German Occupation the German defence positions were somewhat different to the fortifications those resulting from the Atlantic Wall era. We shall wander through some wonderful countryside as I point out these features.
As with Enemy at the Door – St Martin’s – Part 1 the tour also takes in and discusses the natural beauty and superb buildings of this largely rural parish.
This a standalone tour that does not require attendance on Part 1.
Ebenezer and the Slave Worker
During the German Occupation, Ebenezer and his sister Tabitha meet and be-friend a foreign slave worker. Slave workers were brought to Guernsey by the German military and kept in appalling conditions.
Both Ebenezer and Tabitha shared what food they could with the young man – A German overseer severely mistreated and abused him…Ebenezer was there during the boy’s greatest peril – and ultimately avenged him.
During the tour we visit the actual site where this powerful episode plays out…
The walk is a gentle stroll through a historically rich part of the island.
As with all my tours…the countryside is beautiful…
The tour commences from our guides home in the Vale – plenty of car parking available.
My Family In Wartime… Surviving the German Occupation
My grand-father William Henry Pengelley served in the Royal Navy altogether from 1915 to 1946.
However – his initial period of service ended in 1938 – but with tension in Europe following Hitler’s expansionist territory grabs grandfather was called to the reserve in 1939.
He left Guernsey in late 1939 and did not see his family again until May 1945 – he had no contact with them until days after the Liberation on 9th May 1945.
During this time my grand-mother Ellie was left to care for her mother, her father-in-law, my aunt (a young child) and my father (aged 6).
Then in 1940 the family was joined by my grand-mother’s father (my great-grandfather) who had disappeared decades earlier – he had quite a tale to tell.
Then the Germans invaded…
This is the story of our immediate and wider family during the 2nd World War.
We trace my grand-father’s naval career which included being mined, bombed, shot at and torpedoed – with documentary papers and photographs.
We also follow my grand-mother’s story as she struggled to keep the family together and alive – though not all made it through.
We hear of a real life potato peel pie story …and just who was our “German baby” ?
During the walking tour I shall be able to give detailed explanations of the locality and its history. The tour is structured so as to be able to be away from traffic and be able to discuss items of interest easily with the walkers.
A variety of other tours available –please see