Rosalyne Le Huray
Gold Accredited Guide
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07781 127263 | | |
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Specialist Services
Born in Guernsey and descended from several local families from Guernsey & Alderney stretching back over the centuries. I enjoy local history & folklore, churches & architecture and researching the local adventurers of years gone by. Special interests Early Pre-Raphaelite-Stained Glass of St Stephen’s Church, Guernsey’s unique postal & philatelic history and the German Occupation.
Walking Tours available
"Barrieres de la Ville"
Duration 1.5 hours moderate walk
A walk within the ancient barriers of the Town of St Peter Port. Learn about the history of the town & people of long ago.
"7 Lamps, a few Bills & a Kidnap"
Duration 1.5 hours easy walk, fairly flat
A walk around the area of St Stephen’s Church, St Peter Port, including a visit to the church to see some of the earliest Pre-Raphaelite-stained glass windows designed by William Morris, Dante Gabriel Rosetti, Edward Burne-Jones & Ford Madox Brown.
"Hiding in Plain Sight"
Duration 2.5 Hours moderate walk
A walk around the outskirts of Town, hear stories of the Occupation, lots of things are hiding in plain sight from this time & discover where two brave Guernsey soldiers hid from the enemy. This tour also includes a visit to the German Naval Signals HQ.
"From Pillar to Post"
Duration 2 Hours moderate walk
A stroll around the Regency New Town of St Peter Port. Hear tales of the pillars of local society from duels to our unique place in early postal & telephone history. The pen is mightier than the sword!
"Secrets of the Forest"
Duration 2.5 hours moderate walk with coast views
Explore quiet lanes with picturesque views of the Forest Parish. Hear stories famous men & days gone by, some of whom played an important part in international trade. Includes a visit to Les Caches Farm, a fine example of a traditional Guernsey Farmhouse owned by the National Trust of Guernsey.
"Legends of L’Eree"
Duration 2 Hours moderate walk with coastal views
A walk around the headland near the causeway to Lihou Island. Hear tales of local folklore & life of this western parish. Also look at the various fortifications which were our last lines of defence.
"Rollo’s Raiders"
Duration 2 Hours moderate walk with coastal views
A walk around the areas of L’Ancresse Common & Pembroke Bay in the north of the Island. A fascinating history dating back thousands of years from ancient burial chambers to coastal defences to prevent the threat of invasion and the various activities held on the Common.
Other guided walks tailored to your requirements on request and more details of my other walks can be found on