Vivienne Wenman
Silver Accredited Guide
Contact |
07781 402823 | |
Specialist Services
Walking tours / Coach tours / Taxi/hire car tours / Bespoke and Island Tours / Cruise Ship Excursions / Individuals/Corporate / Small or Large Groups / Executive Private Tours
Sample Walking Tours
A fun ramble, starting at the Guernsey Information Centre, through the historic streets of Town, highlighting places of interest while enjoying the amazing history of Guernsey. Experience a stunning view of the harbour and a visit back to Victorian times. (1.5 hours)
St Peter Port (to include Candie Gardens or Castle Cornet)
Starting at the Guernsey Information Centre and finishing in the beautiful Victorian Candie Gardens or the historic Castle Cornet. (3.5 hours)
St Peter Port to Fermain Bay (return or one way)
Discover Guernsey's history and breathtaking views on a fun and relaxed ramble through the historic side-streets of St Peter Port, to reach the tranquil waters at Fermain Bay and return via the cliffs. Return: 4 hours. One way: 2 hours. Cliff paths, uneven surfaces, hills and steps.
Herm Island
Discover paradise… Visit Herm to discover all her secrets and natural beauty. Centuries of history will be revealed during this ramble over hills and cliff paths, passing stunning beaches. 3.5 hours. Cliff paths, uneven surfaces, hills and steps.
Bespoke, Island and Sark Tours …by arrangement.